Potato Veggie Sticks

by - 17:33

What happens if you do not proper plan your food shopping and come home realising you actually still have a lot of veggies in the fridge? 
You need to use up all of them, because one aspect about fresh ingredients is, that they do not stay fresh that long.  So this happened to me one weekend and i had an idea, how to use up all my veggies at once, but still not have boring gratin/soup or just cooked greens.
Level: EASY (but time consuming)
What you need: (3 portions)
12 small potatoes (swedish)
1/2 zucchini
3 Pastinakes
Cocktail Tomatoes
4 cloves Garlic
Fresh Oregano
3 Tbsp Olive Oil
1 Tbsp Lemon Juice
Creme Fresh (optional)
Start washing your veggies and cutting them into slices. First you cut the potatoes and between each slice you put zucchini or pastinake. Stick the slices on a toothpick in correct order.
It can take a while to cut and stick all veggies, but once you are done there is not much work left.
Add Olive Oil and lemon Juice in a small bowl. Hack the oregano in small pieces and add on your pressed! garlic. Stir well and add some salt.
Of course you can also use less garlic if you like, but since potatoes taste almost like nothing, i like to add a bit more.
Arrange all veggie sticks in a baking dish and add tomatoes in between. Spread your garlic/oregano marinate all over the vegetables.
Preheat the oven to 120°c. This is quite low, so the vegetables can cook slowly and keep their vitamins. Cover the form with aluminium foil, so the sticks don't dry out.
Bake for 90min, yes that's long, but worth it.
Remove the foil and marinate all once more with a bit of lemon juice and oil.
Increase the heat to 170°c and bake for another 15min, so they get more crispy.
Serve with creme fresh or enjoy pure!

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